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MX-5, Creative Solution for Productivity Improvement


Machine Xpress-5
The best way for Productivity Improvement


There are always a variety of variables on the production site.
With your strong will and MX-5, the improvement of productivity is no longer a dream but will become reality soon

There are always a variety of variables on the production site.

With your strong will and MX-5, the improvement of productivity is no longer a dream but will become reality soon

Clear Standard
Check whether it is the best condition for processing before installing MX-5
It is difficult to calculate improving effect quantitatively if there is not a clear standard before installing
Pre-information is required for the equipment installation
such as type of equipment, work pieces, and picture of cutting fluid line
Goal of Improving
Pre-review conditions on improving among all processing conditions is necessary
Feed, slotting amount, defective rate, time on setting, etc.
The surplus process can be improved
later when necessary.
Maximize effect by prioritizing bottleneck process that has an absolute impact on sales among all the processes of the manufacturer.
System Pre-check

Compare to separate supply system, centralized supply system is recommended if possible

Inspection of Cutting Oil Supply Line
If there is oil leak in cutting fluid supplying line, the amount of oil leak may increase after installing
Check for contamination
Over polluted by cutting fluid may cause block in MX-5.